The primary objective of KÉZMŰ Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. is to provide employment for people with reduced work capacity, in a workplace environment adapted to their health status and specific needs, and to contribute to the highest level of employment possible with the capabilities of such employees, in commercial added-value manufacturing operations.

To achieve our objectives:
- The skills of workers with reduced work capacity are developed based on a medium-term rehabilitation plan.
- A quality management system complying with the requirements of MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2001 has been put in place and is applied at every division of the Company’s sites in Budapest and Szeged. The Company’s management is committed to continuous quality improvement and provides the necessary conditions to achieve it.
- Our suppliers are also expected to be committed to quality and provide us with reliable and appropriate services.
- We monitor our customers’ and partners’ needs and requirements, as well as their satisfaction with our products and services. We continuously improve and develop our operation based on assessments.
- To this end, we explore, identify, and eliminate weaknesses in our processes.
- We make sure that our quality policy is understood and applied across our organisation. We provide our employees with continuous training to help them meet changing requirements, and they, in turn, contribute to the success of our public benefit corporation with their personal professionalism, expertise and responsibility.
Environmental protection
KÉZMŰ Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. is aware of its responsibility for the natural environment and committed to its protection.

Environmental protection is a paramount consideration for us when producing and delivering our products and services, from purchasing raw materials to selling our output, to which end:
- We fully observe, and comply with, all relevant environmental legal and other official regulations as a basic principle underlying our environmental activities.
- We have introduced and are operating an environmental management system in conformity with the standard MSZ EN ISO 14001.
- Sustainable waste management is a key element in our manufacturing processes; emphasis is laid on reducing our waste output and on recycling.
- By setting a good example, we encourage our suppliers and customers to use environmentally friendly and environment preserving raw materials.
- Environmental considerations are an important element of our procurement processes.
- In development we give preference to environmentally friendly technologies, along with equipment environmentally more efficient.
- Our management declares that it carries out its tasks in accordance with the guidelines of the environmental protection policy; all our employees are expected to do so.